YAY! I built this site all on my own... Maybe a bit of help from CALVIN ▓o▓ ▓ ▓ ▓ A▓ ▓ ▓ ▓t. (you'd understand if u looked at his site http://crunchiebarmuncher.tripod.com/)
All in all please do not ask questions about what drugs i was on when i made this site cause it was none.
Very late hours on the last night of March break... that's all it takes to make something like this.
Some people will be offended by this site and if they are then good because, frankly if your offended by a bunch of stick men then ur the one with the issues. Muahahahahahaha.
Hey to all of you that actually go to this site im adding NEW pages to this site!!!! WOW!!!
New pages
-drawings2 - found under the original drawings page just click the 2
-a CONTACT ME site---- found at the bottom of the links and the bottom of the drawings 1
KEEP watching for more NEW SITES!!!